Sculptor's work: delightful forms from the materials of nature

Innokenty Sharkov — sculptor, artist, potter

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What I do

Art for me is the language of non-verbal communication. Ceramics bears the stamp of arts and crafts and, therefore, is not perceived by many in the context of modern media. I work with ceramic, aiming to liberate it from purely decorative purposes by synthesizing it with metal, wood, resins, and polymers.


A short movie about my path: how I conceptualize forms, materials and existence. The main purpose of my art: synthesis of materials. How do I understand it? Why do I do it?

About me

Innokenty Sharkov
Graduated from the Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Design and Applied Arts in 2004, Ceramics Department. Art is the language of non-verbal communication. Ceramics bears the stamp of arts and crafts and, therefore, is not perceived by many in the context of modern media.
Since 2020, I've started creating artworks that use a combination of materials, including metal, wood, plastic, and ceramic, to form a statement —
a symbol that exists independently from verbal narratives. For me, these works represent a state of being that becomes a statement.

Contact me

How to contact me